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At the beginning  of 2nd semester in a SIC meeting, each professor of the PPS proposes topics for the diploma thesis. After the announcement of the topics, post-graduate students select the topic of their diploma thesis in agreement with the supervising professor. After successful completing the examinations of the spring semester, the students enter the phase of preparation of their diploma thesis. SIC validates the assignment of final diploma thesis and the prospective supervising professors.

After the completion of the diploma thesis and the written approval by the supervising professors, four copies of the diploma thesis are submitted to the Secretariat until January 31 (or May 31). The Secretariat arranges the distribution of the three copies to the three-member examination committee and saves a copy at a specifically assigned area at the Secretariat of PPS. The defense of the diploma thesis is carried out publicly, in front of a three-member examination committee, on a date set by the SIC on February (June). The diploma thesis on its final form is submitted to the Secretariat both in print and in electronic format and it is kept in the Library of PPS.

Every supervising professor can take over the supervision of four (4) post-graduate students. The number may change by a SIC decision.

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